Economy September 20, 2016 | 10:17 am

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Dominican-Haiti business project speaks to innovation

La Romana, Dominican Republic.- At the close of the"Business Innovation Summit" the promoters Juan Vicini, FernandoCapellan and Cesar Dargam, of the Quisqueya Binational Economic Council (CEBQ),launched the initiative as a paradigm of innovation devised by Dominicans andHaitians.

Vicini and Capellan explained the project’s scope andobjectives, while Dargam called the summit a case of worthy success.

"This is an example of innovation, because those whohave led this initiative are great entrepreneurs in their personal businesses.The idea in itself is one example of innovation because it has been aninvitation to think outside the box, outside of what’s traditional," saidthe current director of Foreign Trade.

The novel project is also the first time that apublic-private and binational initiative is promoted between the DominicanRepublic and Haiti.

In the closing speech, Gustavo Sorzano, of the InnovativeOrganization of America, said the initiative should be replicated in other countrieswith borders in the region.

The Summit held under the auspices of Development Bank ofLatin America (CAF) and Innovators of America was attended by government officials,experts and local and foreign businessmen, who cited Latin America’s challengesin innovation and entrepreneurship.

They also listed several cases of success that the regioncan display proudly to the world.

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