Economy October 24, 2016 | 11:22 am

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Taxes, raw materials most concern Dominican industries: poll

Santo Domingo.- The tax burden and rawmaterial costs are industry’s main concerns, according to research by the DominicanRepublic Industries Association (AIRD).

The two points concern 19.3% and 18.1% ofrespondents in the "Ranking of factors affecting competitiveness" in July-Septemberquarter which forms part of the AIRD’s Industrial Situation Survey.

The poll, which surveyed 500 manufacturers in13 provinces, found that for micro, small, medium and large employers, the thirdconcern is "unfair competition and smuggling," with 17.2%. That factor ranked first in the April-Junequarter, but fell in the current poll.


The AIRD said its measures monitor, as awhole, 14 key factors for a competitive domestic industry determined on theirdegree of negative influence on competitiveness by sector and its importanceand weight over industry in a short-term period.

In that order were cited in succession, theexchange rate, competition from imports, cost and power supply, low level ofeconomic activity and customs costs, in addition to fuel prices and transport.

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