Local March 11, 2016 | 12:28 pm

Sewage pollutes iconic Dominican beach: Study

Santo Domingo.- A National MarineAffairs Authority (Anamar) study confirmed the high level of pollution at BocaChica beach, which suggests sewage discharges.

The analysis conducted last year concludedthat there’s a high contamination from organic waste, according to Anamartechnicians.

Its report for 2015 highlights theproject "Proposal for a comprehensive solution to improve conditions in BocaChica Beach-Andrés."

In nine of the 12 points where sampleswere tested, Anamar found that the oxidation potential (ORP), a unit to measurewater cleanliness and its ability to decompose pollutants, was less than 100,when the unit ranges from +2.000 to -2.000.

The ORP levels found were higher than110, 120 and 143.

"The more pollutants thewater, the lower the ORP, since organic pollutants are consuming oxygen andconsequently lowering the levels of ORP in the water," the entity said, asquoted by outlet diariolibre.com.

Anamar explains that the unit isan indicator of bacteria activity in the water and that the lower it is, the higherthe levels of coliforms.

It adds that it works to materializea comprehensive solution to improve the beach’s conditions which would be readythis year.

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