L. Fernandez.
Santo Domingo.- Former president Leonel Fernandez will have to defeat several colleagues to win the ruling party’s (PLD) presidential candidacy ahead of the 2020 election.
He won’t have the wide path as in other occasions, because rival hopefuls have thrown their hat in the ring.
That’s the case of Francisco Domínguez, who resigned as Environment Minister to make the run, and PLD general secretary, Reinaldo Pared, who will announce his bid today.
The announcements come amid vocal clashes pitting supporters of Fernandez and president Danilo Medina in Congress, starting with the issue of the primaries in the controversial bill for the Law of Parties.
Some national polls found support for Fernandez, who continues to stump across the country.
On Sun. Pared said he’ll announce his candidacy on a network, starting 5pm today.