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Economy November 21, 2019 - 8:38 am

Punta Catalina power plant will soon be sold: Lstin Diario

Santo Domingo.- The Finance Ministry advances the creation of the company Punta Catalina power plant, leading to its sale, according to Lstin Diario sources.

“As a result of the progress of these efforts to institute this form of society, the CDEEE (electric utility) and the Fonper have agreed to hold an extraordinary general assembly in each electricity distribution company to, among other actions, authorize the total or partial transfer of rights , works, benefits and / or obligations contained in the ‘Contract of Engineering, Procurement and Construction-Contract of EPC No.101 / 14’ ”/, the outlet reports.

It reports that the reference contract was signed on April 14, 2014 between the CDEEE, on behalf of Edenorte, Edesur and Edeeste, and the Odebrecht-Tecnimont-Estrella Consortium.