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Economy September 1, 2020 - 11:11 am

Abinader takes a chainsaw to Gov. agencies

Santo Domingo.- President Luis Abinader on Tue. created the State Organs Liquidation Commission and established the overall procedure to be followed.

The first article indicates that for the direction and coordination of the dissolution and liquidation of one of the organs of the State, one or more commissions will be formed that will be chaired by Presidency chief of staff, Lisandro Macarrulla.

The decree also establishes that the commission will coordinate with the “corresponding bodies” the issues related to the personnel working in the institutions to be eliminated, the property and real estate and the assets and liabilities that they possess.

It says that the Ministry of Public Administration, the General Budget Office and the Office of the Comptroller will adopt the corresponding measures after reviewing each particular case of the agencies that will be subject to “suppression or restructuring.”

Abinader has announced the elimination of various agencies such as the Office of State Works Supervisory Engineers (Oisoe), the Patrimonial Fund of Reformed Companies (Fonper), among others.

In addition to the restructuring of the State Electric Utility (Cdeee), which will become part of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the State Sugar Council will be part of National Assets.