Local November 30, 2011 - 8:36 am

Major daily wages campaign for jailed banker’s release

SANTO DOMINGO.- Dominican Republic’s major free newspaper wages a campaign on its Web version diariolibre.com, to get the release of Manuel Arturo Pellerano and Juan Felipe Mendoza, convicted in the case of the failed bank, Bancredito

In its second article of the effort, published Wednesday, Diario Libre quotes citizens in the National District, who described the fact the two former bankers are still in Najayo Prison, “as unfair and even abusive, despite having settled the commitments with their creditors and whom the Justice Ministry and the Central bank repealed the accusation against them.”

“When serving out the third year of incarceration, those consulted say they don’t understand how both people, without having public or private accusation, continue in prison, for which they suggested a revision of their case,” diariolibre.com reports.

It adds that several of those asked agree that keeping Pellerano as well as Mendoza in prison without an accusation which justifies it, “justice has committed an indelicacy.”

“If he complied with what he (Pellerano) owed, he should leave prison, but things in this country are like that," said Lucibelis Familia in a street in Santo Domingo, when asked about the case, one of three which in addition to Bancredito, included the failed banks Baninter, and Mercantil.


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