Madrid, Spain.- On Thursday, Miches officially joined the ranks of tourist destinations in the Dominican Republic. Minister of Tourism, David Collado, emphasized Miches’ significance, stating that it holds a special place due to their dedicated focus on upcoming projects and investments in the area.
During a special presentation, the Secretary-General of UN Tourism predicted that Miches is poised to become the next Punta Cana in terms of tourism within the Dominican Republic in the coming years.
A panel discussion featuring three key investors marked the launch, unveiling plans for the construction of 2,500 rooms in the initial stage, with the potential to attract over 200 thousand tourists. The anticipated impact includes the creation of 116,500 jobs, a net foreign exchange income of 206 million, and a GDP boost exceeding 500 million annually.
Simultaneously, the Meliá Group and the Punta Cana Group formalized an agreement to develop the Punta Bergantín hotel and tourism project in Puerto Plata. This venture, with an initial investment of 70 million dollars, will encompass the construction of 300 hotel rooms and the management of approximately 100 branded residences in the first stage.
In a separate recognition ceremony held within the Fitur framework on Thursday, the Dominican Banco Popular was acknowledged by Iberia Airlines as the most prominent corporate company in Latin America in 2023. This recognition was conferred in appreciation of Banco Popular’s pivotal role as a strategic ally in the Caribbean region.