Birgitt Heinsen and Yenny Polanco Lovera. (Photo: External source)
The presidents of these institutions met at the Puerto Plata destination stand, ¡Siempre Real!, where they agreed on several actions to strengthen ties with professionals in the field, and at the same time, develop a dynamic of collaboration in which journalists and the institution can support each other in the fulfillment of their common goals.
Among the aspects addressed, it was agreed to link journalists from Adompretur’s branches through an alliance with the CTDPP. At the same time, a mutual cooperation plan will be established that will include workshops, conferences, and familiarization meetings; as well as the committed and accurate dissemination of the Puerto Plata destination.
They also agreed that the Cluster will be an intermediary entity to request information from authorized sources or voices, as well as special requests for press coverage and trips that contribute to the promotion of the Puerto Plata destination and its events, with a view to increasing citizen awareness in tourism matters, through the dissemination of objective information with specialized treatment.
“Adompretur is one of the most important allies for the promotion of Puerto Plata, and its support and integration is of vital importance for the effective dissemination of the values of our renewed destination brand,” said Heinsen.
Likewise, Yenny Polanco Lovera expressed her interest in organizing several activities, in the short term, that contribute to building the interests expressed, in which journalists Juan de Dios Valentín and José Alberto Selmo, directors of Regional and Inter-Institutional Affairs of Adompretur, will be integrated for coordination.