San José de las Matas, Dominican Republic.- President Danilo Medina on Sunday cut the ribbons on four works, which had been requested by the inhabitants of the Central Mountain city of San Jose de las Matas, during surprise visits he’s made to areas of Santiago province.
Medina inaugurated a packing plant for fruits and vegetables for the La Sierra Controlled Environment Producers Association, which can process 22,000 pounds every eight hours, benefiting more than 300 producers with income of US$15 million per year and the "Aguas Calientes" hot springs and other water theme parks, to spur the development of ecotourism.
Presidency chief of staff Gustavo Montalvo said the Government will also promote livestock production by building a meat packing plant and another to pasteurize milk for which RD$30 million of a total of RD$70 million will be disbursed soon.
Medina also inaugurated three two lane roads that link the city with nearby mountain towns.