Santo Domingo.- CentralElectoral Board (JCE) president Roberto Rosario on Thursday rejected Amnesty International’s(AI) report that alleges statelessness in the Dominican Republic and called theinformation "slander."
"That is false,"the official said, and noted the broad media campaign to register and regularizethe offspring of Haitians and undocumented foreigners, which ended in February
Amnesty says "inpractice", the Dominican authorities have "wiped off the map"four generations "in a single stroke of the pen" through a"bureaucratic and legal maze" which has made thousands of people "stateless"in a nation with a "ghost population."
"AmnestyInternational presents new turn the country to send to the national media andinternational information and statements that do not respond to the truth, andrather may be considered speculative and defamatory to the detriment of theDominican Republic," Rosario said in a press conference,
In similar reactions thePassports Directorate (DGP) said in a statement that if Amnesty´s interest was tosolve the "alleged violations" committed by that institution,"the first step is to provide evidence of their allegations and we can statethat they haven’t supplied it thus far."