Santo Domingo.- The JusticeMinistry on Monday threatened to subpoena 1,227 government officials and formerofficials who´ve yet to file their he financial statement with the Accounts Chamberto determine whether there´s been illicit enrichment.
Although the threat againstthe scofflaw officials has been recurrent during president Danilo Medina´sadministration now into its final year, not one of his underlings has neither beenfired nor charged for failing to submit the document.
Justice minister FranciscoDominguez assigned Anti-Corruption prosecutor Laura Guerrero to investigate theofficials who´ve yet to submit their financialstatement , especially those who were named to another post or are no longer inthe administration.
The official made theannouncement after Accounts Chamber president Licelot Marte handed him a list ofthose public servants who have complied with Law 311-14.
He said according toinformation provided by the Accounts Chamber, only 333 officials submitted theirfinancial statement within the established period, and 136 after it expired.
Dominguez s said if there´smisrepresentation or fraud in certain statements the Accounting Chamber will beasked to analyze it.
He said if convicted thoseofficials face sentences as high as 10 years in prison and a fine, adding thatthe Justice Ministry can request their removal from the post.