Santo Domingo.- Dominican authorities suspended SantoDomingo-Port-au-Prince flights of the carrier Sunrise Airways, allegedlybecause their planes aren’t currently insured to operate.
Meanwhile, all flights of the airline MAS, which covers thesame route as Sunrise Airways remain suspended between the two capitals, as theiraircraft undergo maintenance since January.
The situation has severed direct flights plying the DominicanRepublic-Haiti route, according to a Civil Aviation Board (JAC) source quotedby, who asked not to use their name.
However another source, in the Dominican Civil AviationInstitute (IDAC), affirms that the aircraft have no valid insurance to continueoperating, and say they don’t know why the JAC penalized the carrier.
"Thus far (4:35pm Wed.) we have not received anofficial notification from the Civil Aviation Board on the suspension ofoperations of the airline Sunrise Airways,” said a senior IDAC official whodeclined to be identified because they aren’t authorized to speak for theagency.
Yesterday the Spanish News Agency EFE reported the temporarysuspension of direct commercial flights between Dominican Republic and Haiti,without providing further details.