Educational activities will be carried out infive cities to promote student exchange between the Dominican Republic and theUnited States
Santo Domingo, DN.- Starting yesterday Mondayto Saturday, Nov. 19, the United States Embassy in Santo Domingo with thesupport of the EducationUSA offices of the Dominican American CulturalInstitute and the Dominican-American Cultural Center sponsors InternationalEducation Week (IEW) is a global event celebrating the contributions of educationand student exchange.
This year International Education Week iscelebrated with the motto "Súbete a la Guagua" (get on the bus). Itwill visit different universities in the interior of the country, including theCentral University of the East (UCE) in San Pedro, Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) in Punta Cana; The American Dominican Cultural Center (CCDA) inSantiago; The Santo Domingo State University (UASD) in Puerto Plata and thePerelló Cultural Center in Baní.
At each location, lectures will be given onthe five steps to study in the United States by student advisors fromEducationUSA and also alumni who will share their experiences of studying in theUnited States.
International Education Week will end withthe "Study in the U.S.A" festival in Santo Domingo on the frontesplanade of the Museum of Modern Art at the Juan Pablo Duarte Cultural Square.The closing event will feature live music, informative talks about theapplication process for student visas and panels formed by alumni about theirexperience participating in study programs in the United States.
During the festival, the SMART Project willbe launched, a winning proposal of the Ex-Fellows Innovation Fund of 2016, withthe support of the National Institute of Training and Teacher Formation(INAFOCAM) and the Dominican Foundation for Free Software (FDSL) ), where agroup of graduates from the Fulbright and Fulbright-MESCyT exchange programswill train 150 public school teachers on new methodologies for teaching math.
International Education Week
International Education Week is a jointinitiative of the Department of State and the United States Department ofEducation. Through this celebration, the United States Embassy in Santo Domingopromotes programs that facilitate mutual understanding between both countries,while encouraging students, teachers and other professionals to study, learn,and exchange academic experiences and professional development in the U.S.
All the activities of International EducationWeek are open to the public and totally free.
More information about the program ofactivities on the website or on Facebook socialnetworks: embajadausasantoantoingo. On Instagram and Twitter: embajadausaenrd.