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Economy September 5, 2017 - 1:39 pm

A fateful day for thousands of Dominican ‘dreamers’

Returning youngsters

New York.- US president Donald Trump called on Congress to prepare to “do its job” with the Deferred Action for Children’s Arrivals -DACA- program, which has protected 800,000 undocumented youngsters known as “dreamers” from deportation and whose future will be decided by the American Government today Tues.

According to local media, thousands of Dominican youngsters could face deportation once the ban goes into full enforcement.

“Congress, get ready to do your job – DACA!,” Trump tweeted today.

The president’s words seem to confirm the expectations that his administration will announce the end of the DACA program, although the suspension will be delayed six months for Congress to seek options.

The announcement may come as early as 11am (15.00 GMT) at a press conference by attorney general Jeff Sessions, one of the officials with the toughest stance on immigration.

an executive order by then-president Barack Obama in 2012 enacted DACA, which protected thousands of undocumented youngsters from deportation expulsion, obtain a temporary work permit and, in some states, a driver license.