Newspaper rebukes bill would send local troops abroad

Santo Domingo.- Newspaper El Dia Editor-in-chief Rafael Molina Morillo editorial today Friday focuses on a bill which in his view, its approval would set a negative precedent.
His statement comes several years after Dominican troops participated in the military occupation of Iraq, on orders by then president Hipolito Mejia, a move many criticized for its potential to draw retaliation from radical Moslem groups, specifically al Qaeda.
“The senator for San José de Ocoa province, Carlos Castillo, has had the unfortunate occurrence to submit for the consideration of the Senate a bill that would authorize the Armed Forces to participate in the so-called “peace missions” in other nations, under the mandate of the United Nations."
"To start, it’s our opinion that the piece at issue should be discarded and sent to the only place it deserves, the trash can."
"It’s unbelievable that a lawmaker from a country which has suffered through military invasions by foreign powers in the guise of organizations of peace, would propose that we participate in similar abuses in detriment of other nations, in exchange for alleged economic advantages."
"The Dominican Republic cannot and should not forge alliances with other nations of a bellicose nature, regardless of their political philosophy, instead, our legislators should think about initiatives which take us closer to the ethical and moral values which are so needed in society.”