Widespread propane gas fraud peeves Consumer Rights chief

Santo Domingo.- Dominican republic is the only country where propane gas is sold by volume and not by weight, a practice which Consumer Protection Agency (ProConsumidor) director Altagracia Paulino said must end because it lacks transparency and jeopardizes 1.2 million homes.
“We proposed weights as a heroic measure to prevent fraud on homemakers, as an option for people to weigh the gas if they so wished. But oh life! They hid, them, they had no excuse, then the best way to stop the fraud is to weigh the propane,” shed said.
Paulino said she regrets that Dominican society continues on that road. “I believe that we all live here and we must do things as they should be done, there’s much complicity, we’re all brothers and cousins. I think that institutionalism, the function of public servants and the quality of service cannot be harmed by a primary relation, when the relation there, when the will is there, when the whole country’s interest is there.”
Paulino also warned judges on releasing those station owners and operators charged with fraud, who despite having to paid millions in fines, resort to the same practice.
Speaking in press conference to announce the activities to mark World Consumer Rights Day next Thursday, the official reiterated her displeasure at how the massively used fuel is sold.