Local June 25, 2012 | 2:17 pm

NYC Dominicans get the call to send Espaillat to Washington

New York. – Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez called on the Dominican community to vote en masse this weekend to elect Adriano Espaillat to the U.S. Congress in Tuesday’s Democratic primary. "This is a historic moment where Espaillat will become the third Latino and first Dominican congressman to represent the city of New York."

"And I believe that in the same way we celebrate with pride when the Puerto Rican Sonia Sotomayor was elected to the Supreme Court, Barack Obama became the first African American elected to the United States presidency, it will also be of great pride for the Dominican community to elect our first to the Congress of this nation. "

The District 10 councilman said the elections are a matter of pride, via which patriots send a message that our numbers in this city of around one million people, should translate into greater political power as the way to empower our people. "The Dominican community should feel very proud that the leaders of all Dominican political parties, even with differences ahead of the election of May 20, are today united to give this win to the Latino and Dominican community."

Rodriguez stressed Espaillat’s representativeness for the remapped Congressional District 13, which includes parts of Harlem, Washington Heights and Inwood in Manhattan, and Kingsbridge in the Bronx. "The number of Dominican voters in this district, with the support they’ll receive from the Anglo Afro-American, and Asian communities and other Latino brothers and sisters, will be sufficient for this election process to culminate in Adrian Espaillat’s win, which is the victory of our community."

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