Local October 26, 2012 | 1:41 pm

Dominican President declares a national emergency(Update)

Santo Domingo.- The Presidency on Friday declared purchases and contracts for goods, works and services by government agencies, a national emergency to use in the rescue efforts, and reconstruction of infrastructure damage by Hurricane Sandy’s downpours.

The invocation of Law 340-06 allows the Armed Forces, Public Works, Administrative, Tourism and Agriculture ministries, the dams and canals agency (INDRHI), the Presidency’s Social Plan, the Economic Cafeterias, the Housing Institute (INVI), the Presidential Provincial Commission and the State Works Engineers Supervisors Office to cut red tape during the next 30 days.

Presidency spokesman Roberto Rodriguez made the announcement, and said those agencies must submit their expenses to the General Comptroller and the Accounts Chamber within 15 days.

He said the government will spare no expense to assist those people living in the provinces affected by the storm.


The Government is sending food, mattresses, mosquito nets and blankets by ship to the southwestern areas which cannot reached by land.

Thus far 16,600 ready to eat meals (139,200 pounds), 1,550 mattresses, 750 mosquito nets and 1,700 sets of blankets have been sent.

A Navy boat laden with the mattresses, blankets, mosquito nets and rations of raw food set sail to Barahona and Independencia provinces Friday morning, to distribute the aid among families in the hard hit communities of Boca Cachón and Jimani, among others.

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