Dominicans back Bolivians in international incident

Santo Domingo. – Around 20 people gathered at Simon Bolivar Square in the capital’s downtown Thursday in solidarity with Bolivian president Evo Morales, in the wake of rebuke over the decision by several European nations denying his plane’s flight over their airspace or land in their territory upon his return to La Paz from Russia, EFE reports.
The social groups organized the activity to "repudiate the aggression" against Morales, who had to wait 13 hours at Austria’s capital because of the measure reportedly taken by France, Italy and Portugal, on rumors that former CIA technician and whistleblower Edward Snowden was being smuggled on the Bolivian head of state’s jet.
Bolivia General consul Maria Teresa Lavayen, who was present in the activity, called the incident a "serious" action against Morales, which in her view, "doesn’t contribute to relations of respect," adding that for Bolivians " the solidarity from the people at this time is important to, so it is known that we are not alone."