Moderate quake shakes Dominican Republic (Update)

Nagua, Dom. Rep.- The quake was felt strongly in Nagua (north), where people in panic rushed out of their homes, offices and shops and on to the streets, while the power was cut and phones went out momentarily.
And although the Atlantic Ocean appeared calm, the people feared that the tremor could’ve unleashed a tsunami.
Santo Domingo.- A magnitude 5.1 tremor shook Dominican Republic at 10:02am Monday, which according to the U.S. Geodetic Survey, the quake was centered 17km south of Las Guaranas, San Francisco (northeast).
In the capital of Santo Domingo the tremor prompted the evacuation of the Acropolis Center, one of the city’s tallest office buildings.
Juan Arias, of the Santo Domingo State University (UASD) Seismology Institute, said the tremor was centered 44.20 kilometers Northeast of Nagua (north), at a depth of 24. 4 kilometers.