Trial looms for ex Cincinnati Red in Dominican journalist’s murder

Santo Domingo.- The State on Friday again asked the San Pedro province (east) Court to open proceedings against the eight accused of murdering the journalist José Silvestre, citing strong evidence linking them to the August 2011 kidnaping death.
The Anti-Money Laundering Office of the Prosecution charged Angel Amed Mañón, Elvin Canario, Denny Junior Serrano, Franklin Lugo and Raysa Danelys Avelino with the murder, whereas former Cincinnati Reds pitcher José Rijo, Joaquín Espinal, AKA Matías Avelino Castro (fugitive) and Fermín Marcelino Calderón are charged with money laundering.
The defendants, also charged with conspiracy and criminal weapons possession, are being held in jail, except Avelino Castro and Rijo, for whom the prosecution asked a RD$20 million bond.
The prosecution said those accused of money laundering used the financial system to hide illicit gains and that Rijo also lent his name to drug dealers to legitimize their real estate transactions.
Silvestre, whose TV program denounced drug trafficking in the area of La Romana (east) was found dead next to a sugar cane field just hours after his kidnaping in broad daylight on a busy street.