Local March 20, 2014 | 2:56 pm

Dominican Republic spews 23% more CO2 than 20 years ago

Santo Domingo.- National Climate Change Council and Clean Development Mechanism (CNCCMDL) vice president Omar Ramirez revealed Thursday that the country’s greenhouse gas emissions per capita jumped 23% in the last 20 years, which in his view contributes to higher temperatures.

The official said the country’s sustained economic growth led to the increase, since it generates more CO2. “It is urgent to apply an economic model that is sustainable with the environment.”

He said actions to reach that goal are being implemented, citing the second stage of the Economic Development Plan Consistent with Climate Change (Plan DECCC), which combines economic growth and environmental sustainability, conducted with 4.5 million euros donated by Germany.

He said that stage focuses on cutting emissions in the cement and solid waste sectors, and recalled country’s commitment to the national development strategy, by reduced emissions by 25 percent by 2030.

"The country currently emits 36 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere annually. The new economic activities should be low in carbon emissions and environmentally sustainable. We as a country must have a national climate change strategy that allows us to define what steps will lead to reduced emissions," he said.

Ramirez spoke in an activity to review, verify and inventory the forestry and agro sectors, as part of the two-year project by the Environment Ministry.

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