Local April 1, 2015 | 12:05 am

Dominican Republic joins regional shipping initiative

Santo Domingo.– The Dominican Republic has agreed to an action plan for short-distance maritime shipping among the Mesoamerica Project countries, the Economy, Planning and Development Ministry said Tuesday.

The proposal was drawn up last week at a meeting of experts and interested parties representing the Dominican Republic and its Mesoamerica partners: Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama.

The initiative envisions the establishment in the Dominican Republic of the necessary infrastructure for container-shipping links between Mesoamerica and Caribbean island nations. Institutional barriers and features of the services to be provided are also addressed.

The action plan will be submitted in June to the summit of Mesoamerica heads of state and government. The Mesoamerica Project works in the Political, Economic, Financial and Economic Cooperation topics.

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