Top prosecutor wants probe of judge who returned US$20.8M to jailed Spaniard

Santo Domingo.-Justice minister Francisco Dominguez on Monday asked Supreme Court toinvestigate the actions of the judge who ordered the return of US$20.8 millionto the construction company Prado Universal Corp, owner of Torre Atiemar, whosepresident is the Spaniard Arturo del Tiempo, who is serving time in Spain.
In a letter to chiefjustice Mariano German, Dominguez said an investigation should be initiated intothe actions of National District 4th Criminal Chamber judge AwildaReyes, who also ruled that Dominguez must pay a fine of one million pesos foreach day the ruling isn’t complied with.
After calling theruling an abuse, Dominguez said the judge didn’t take into account any of the evidencepresented during the hearing, adding that the court recognized the plaintiffs’ claim,disregarding all criminal and civil proceedings.