Local January 18, 2016 | 10:13 am

Churches´ planned boycott disrespects human dignity: Movement

Santo Domingo.- Thegrassroots movement C+ on Sunday said the disrespect for human dignity by somechurches against human rights and political freedom is cause for concern.

The organization,through a letter sent to the media just hours after evangelical churches announceda boycott of "pro-abortion, pro-gay and anti-sovereignty" candidates witha list to be read during religious services,” said the measure “not only actswith hatred and intolerance, but assumes an attitude contrary to civilliberties and the Dominican Constitution which bans all forms ofdiscrimination.”

"This is sobecause the purpose of this list is nothing more than stoking theirparishioners´ homophobic, racist and misogynist attitudes," C+ said.

The organizationresponded to a statement by Dominican Evangelical Unity Council (CODUE) presidentFidel Lorenzo Meran.

"A democraticDominican Republic must assume the diversity of its people and respect theequal dignity of all," C+ said.

"There must be respectfor the right of women to decide and protect their dignity, the right of LGBTpeople to form a family, recognized and legally protected whether they decidenot to marry or not, the right to descendants of Dominican migrants to be anintegral part of our community, etc.”

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