Local February 24, 2016 | 11:39 am

RD$88.3M invested in new free zones to create 387 jobs(Correct)

Santo Domingo.- Industry and Commerce minister José delCastillo on Wednesday said permits were approved to install 11 new free zone businessesand parks, with a total investment of RD$88.3 million andcreate 387 direct jobs.

He said the free zone park to be built at a cost of RD$327million will create 732 jobs and earn around US$1.7 million.

He said the sector’s production has become more diversified,noting that several of the new businesses are in “non-traditional activities.”

National Free Zone Council (CNZFE) director Luisa Fernandezsaid the new companies will have a major economic and social impact in the variousparts of the country where they’ll operate.

In a statement the official said the new companies chosethe Dominican Republic because of the government’s economic policy.

The meeting held at the San Isidro Industrial Free Zoneincluded a tour for free zone executives headed by marketing manager LuisGuillermo Angarita.

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