OAS to hold General Assembly in a hostile Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- The Organization of American States (OAS) GeneralAssembly to be held for the second time in Dominican Republic June 13 to 15will be staged amid deep-rooted criticism of various sectors over the years.
The first resulted from the OAS’ creation of theInter-American Peace Force during the second US intervention in the country in1965.
The staunchest critics note the OAS’s infamous role oflegitimizing the presence of more than 40,000 US Marines on Dominican soil,despite its principle of nonintervention.
The agency’s measure paved the way for Washington to takecontrol of the country in a process where dozens of crimes were committed,according to documents of the National Archives.
"The OAS deplores the invasion that ended so manylives," said OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro, calling for"apologies" to the country in 2015.
However, critics say it’s not enough.
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the OAS’ legalarm, recently condemned the country for its immigration policy.
Almagro himself, since the landmark ruling 168-13 whichestablishes who are Dominicans, turned out to be the country’s most vocal foreigncritic, further fueling the local rebuke.
The local Catholic Church has also recently joined the chorusor critics and announced a protest starting Tuesday, alleging that the OASpromotes abortion in the country.