Local December 29, 2016 | 1:54 pm

Odebrecht must be terminated: civil society group

Santo Domingo.- National Committee againstClimate Change, CNLCC, on Thurs. demanded that the purchasing and procurementagency cancel the contract for the Punta Catalina coal-fired power plant and otherswith Odebrecht, and permanently disqualify it as a State contractor.

The Committee also demanded that thegovernment investigate the officials who took the US$92 million bribe whichOdebrecht confessed to having paid in exchange for infrastructure contractsnationwide. "The exact amounts of the overvaluation of these works andother illegal actions have yet to be determined."

The civil society group adds that as a resultof the Brazilians company’s admitted US$92.0 million in bribes to Dominican officialsto obtain public works contracts, "Odebrecht must be terminated for theirunlawful genesis as indicated in article 11 of Public Contracts Law340-06."

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