Local July 7, 2017 | 7:26 pm

Govt. bows to pressure on ‘morass’ power plant scandal

The CNLCC and the Green March fight corruption

Elias Piña, Dominican Republic.-  Apparently bowing to pressure, Presidency administrative minister José Ramón Peralta revealed Fri. that the Government will buy the land on which the Punta Catalina coal plant is being built.

Although the official said that the decision follows the recommendation by the project’s Odebrecht Investigative Commission, several organizations  including the National Committee to Combat Climate Change (CNLCC) and the Green March have questioned the government’s decision to build the plant on private land. The

In a statement Fri., the CNLCC called the construction of the over US$2.0 billion project on private property, a “gigantic morass.”

Speaking in the village Hondo Valle, (west), the official said the acquisition of the land, owned by the company CAEI of the Vicini group, must abide by the rules established by the Purchasing and Contracting Dept.

When asked why private land was chosen to build the plant, Peralta said the government resorted to using the “Enfiteuta” modality, which the official affirmed is of low cost for the State, with a 50-year commitment.

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