Taxpayers fork out RD$18.9M/year for Foreign Ministry ‘consultants’

Foreign Ministry
Santo Domingo.- Thirteen former members linked to the pro-government Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) figure in the Foreign Ministry’s payroll as advisors to its special commissions.
Ana Miledy Cuevas, Fabio Ernesto Vargas Matos, Hugo Rafael Nez Almonte, Juan Jos Morales Cisneros, Mara Amparo de Dios Martnez and Mara Cndida Snchez Mora figure on the payroll.
Also Mara Aracelis Duarte Duarte, No Marmolejos Mercedes, Pedro Carreras Santana, Severina Gil Carreras Rodrguez, Sonya of the Mercedes Abreu Villanueva, Virgilio Manuel Gonzlez Vsquez and Mara Luisa Guzmn Caldern.
Dominican taxpayers fork out RD$1.45 million per month for those “consultants,” or RD$18.9 million per year.