China backs Dominican Republic’s bid for Security Council seat
Santo Domingo.- Foreign minister Miguel Vargas on Mon. said Dominican Republic has the support of several countries to occupy a non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council.
Vargas said the country has the support of China, the Latin American and Caribbean Geopolitical Group (Grulac), as well as African and European nations.
The foreign minister said the country deserves that position because he is one of the UN’s founding members and “for the pace that the country has and for the indicators in the region show.”
“The elections are on June 8, and we are awaiting that day, because we are very optimistic because we have never had a position in that important organization,” Vargas said.
The official spoke after the regional workshop “Censuses of the 2020 round: an opportunity to generate information for the design of public policies and follow-up on national and international commitments” of the Central American Statistics Commission (Centroestad).