Local October 6, 2020 | 7:49 am

Odebrecht has US$222.7M in works pending in Dominican Republic

Constanza road, aerial.

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Government announced Mon. that it will end the tendered contracts of four works being built by Odebrecht and its associates in the Dominican Republic after the scandal in which the Brazilian company admitted to having paid US$92.0 in bribes in exchange for the construction of projects in the country.

Antoliano Peralta, legal consultant to the Executive Branch, said they have instructed Public Works so that, together with them, proceed to thoroughly review the technical, economic and legal aspects of the contracting of works signed by the State and Constructora Odebrecht, its subsidiaries, consortia and related companies, “for the purpose of ending all types of contractual relationships with the aforementioned company, in the general interest.”

The four contracts pending to be concluded by the Brazilian multinational, in relation to the Ministry of Public Works total US$222.7 million.

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