Max Puig believes wealth must be better distributed

Santo Domingo—The president of the Alliance for Democracy (APD), Max Puig, highlighted the importance of continuing to deepen change in the country, reaffirming the political organization’s commitment to working with President Luis Abinader during the next four years.
Puig considered that the sustained growth of the economy should be reflected in a greater redistribution of wealth among the lower-income sectors over the next four years.
On the occasion of commemorating the 32nd anniversary of the founding of the APD, Puig recognized the efforts of the Abinader government to confront the deep economic crisis of 2020 and highlighted the remarkable economic recovery achieved in recent years.
However, he noted the need to address the structural inequalities that persist in the Dominican economy.
“During the last decades, we have been a high-growth economy, but with inadequate redistribution. We have grown, but we have grown badly,” said Puig while laying a wreath at the Altar of the Homeland. “We have generated wealth, but it has been concentrated in very few hands, generating social imbalances that prevent us from advancing towards the integral development of the country,” he added.
Puig emphasized the importance of correcting these imbalances and proposed a vision of policies oriented toward greater social justice, equity, and equality.
He added, “We want change to go further in the government period that begins next August 16.”
He recalled that during the electoral campaign, the APD and a broad coalition of political forces, movements, and social organizations contributed to Abinader’s electoral triumph for a second presidential term.
“We are united by our identification with the purpose of deepening change.” noted Puig, pointing to the cohesion and coherence of the alliance that supported the president.
The APD president also addressed the need for reforms to revitalize the country’s economic model. “We are obliged to be creative in working on the issue of deepening change, seeking to maintain high levels of growth while guaranteeing better living standards for the great majorities,” Puig said.
Puig pointed out the APD’s commitment to women, youth, the middle classes, and new entrepreneurs.
The political leader emphasized the importance of these sectors in building a more just and sustainable country.