Local August 6, 2024 | 9:24 am

San Juan Valley producers support crop elimination to protect bean harvest

San Juan, DR.- Producers in the San Juan Valley are supporting the Department of Plant Health’s initiative to eliminate crops that host thrips and whiteflies, ensuring the next bean production cycle.

The initial phase will see the elimination of 13,227 acres of sweet potatoes, 6,690 acres of pigeon peas, and 748 acres of peanuts, all of which are host crops for thrips and whiteflies.

Rosa Lazala, Director of Plant Health, urged producers to fully support and participate in the elimination measures to ensure a successful bean harvest and prevent losses like those experienced last year due to pest infestations.

Juan Mateo, Regional Director of the Southwest, added that Agriculture will provide heavy equipment, tractors, land preparation, seeds, and inputs to boost productivity for the upcoming bean harvest, the region’s flagship product.

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