Workers protest Labor Reform, defend severance pay rights
Santo Domingo.- Hundreds of workers and union leaders protested outside the National Congress, warning legislators against altering unemployment provisions in the proposed labor reform. Led by Juan Sierra, secretary general of the Food Federation, the demonstrators opposed including severance pay changes, accusing lawmakers of risking betrayal. “We put the government in place, and we can remove it. Do not sell out or betray the people,” Sierra emphasized, urging congress members to protect long-earned worker rights.
Juana Roque, representing the National Union of Nursing Workers, echoed this sentiment, declaring that severance pay is a non-negotiable right. Protesters cautioned against repeating unrest reminiscent of 1984, should the reform favor business interests. A strong police presence restricted the demonstrators from approaching the legislative building.
Meanwhile, the Senate’s special labor reform commission, chaired by Rafael Barón Duluc, plans to meet with 10 business organizations to gather their perspectives on proposed amendments to Law 16-92. The commission has already held discussions with labor representatives and the Minister of Labour, Luis Miguel de Camps, signaling the critical and contentious nature of the ongoing reform deliberations.