Local March 23, 2018 | 12:38 pm

Entities come together to save the country’s biggest river

Santiago. – Yaque del Norte River has been Santiago’s lifeline for over a century, and now needs everyone to come together to recover its flow and rid it of pollution.

Representatives from the organizations grouped in Plan Yaque, the Santiago Aqueduct Utility (Coraasan), the Environment Ministry and The Nature Conservancy expressed the concern Thurs., in events to mark World Water Day.

Coraasan operational director Héctor Jáquez spoke about the piped water  situation in Santiago, highlighting the treatment plants managed by the utility.

He said he expects improved services soon with the incorporation of two more aqueducts, but notes that work must be done to improve the efficiency of water use. “Consumption and losses are high and with current capacity it should be enough for the population of the province and for the next 20 years.”

Saúl Abréu and Floylán Hernández, from the Apedi and The Nature Conservancy, highlighted the progress of the Yaque del Norte Agua Fund, its contributions and innovation of including the social aspects of water sustainability.

For Solanlle Bonilla, of INTEC University, the ecosystems in the chain to produce water reveal the great economic value of the national protected areas system.

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