Top university hosts congress for tourism professionals, students

PUCMM, Santiago
Santo Domingo.- To raise awareness on the social networks’ impact on tourism, PUCMM Pontifical University and the School of Tourism Gastronomy hosted the 3.0 Tourism Congress.
The meeting was aimed at professionals and students seeking to update their knowledge in the area, attended by academic authorities, representatives of the Dominican Tourism and Travel Agencies Association (Adavit) and the Tourism Ministry.
“PUCMM assumes the commitment to prepare professionals with the qualities required by the business community to enter the labor market,” said Tourism dean, Ina Percival, in reference to the graduates’ profile.
“The evolution of travel agencies,” “Management 3.0 from the Tourism Ministry,” “Impact of social networks on Gastronomic Tourism,” and “New trends in Tourism Marketing,” were some of the topics addressed during the gathering.
“The congress is an initiative focused on the evolution of communication strategies implemented by companies in the hotel sector, which also proposes to innovate in the digital era through the industry,” the PUCMM said in statement quoted by