• Selling the authentic Caribbean

    Opinion May 22, 2015 | 12:27 pm

    After years idling in the doldrums, visitor arrivals tosome parts of the region are increasing rapidly, travellers are spending more,and the yield for hoteliers is improving. Moreover, as demand so[...]

  • Selling the authentic Caribbean

    Opinion May 22, 2015 | 12:27 pm

    After years idling in the doldrums, visitor arrivals tosome parts of the region are increasing rapidly, travellers are spending more,and the yield for hoteliers is improving. Moreover, as demand so[...]

  • The future is services

    Opinion April 24, 2015 | 12:51 pm

    When in the early 1990s it became apparent that Europe’s preferential regimes for Caribbean bananas and sugar were coming to an end, an impassioned debate began about a transition to other forms [...]

  • After med-fly ban, US halts termite-tainted pineapples

    Economy April 10, 2015 | 8:27 am

    New York.- US authorities seized a shipment of pineapples from Dominican Republic in February, after inspectors in the Port of Philadelphia allegedly detected termites in the fruits.

    The inci[...]

  • The new Russian presence in the Caribbean

    Opinion March 27, 2015 | 9:43 am

    Over the last five years Russian interest in the Caribbean has been growing steadily; so that today Moscow’s diplomatic profile and its economic presence in a number of Caribbean nations is now s[...]

  • Can’t decide? Here a 10 must-see sites

    Tourism March 23, 2015 | 10:50 am

    Santo Domingo.- Just in time for the annual Easter Week exodus by Dominicans hungry for a great beach, a cool mountain or a frolicking river, newspaper Diario Libre asked 30 people in the tourism s[...]

  • Triumph in perseverance

    People March 20, 2015 | 5:12 pm

    Santo Domingo.- She sees life as a challenge and an adventure. At 20, a wayward bullet hit her spine, but learned to fend for itself.

    An accident in a violent society in which she has lived, [...]

  • US fruit, vegetable ban harms in several ways: Business leader

    Local March 19, 2015 | 12:45 pm

    Santo Domingo.- The president of the young business leaders grouped in ANJE on Thursday said the US ban on local fruit and vegetables will affect the trade balance and harm Dominican Republic’s a[...]

  • Beltway’s 2nd span ready by June 30, but hurdles emerge

    Economy March 18, 2015 | 9:40 am

    Santo Domingo.- The Santo Domingo Beltway’s second span, from Duarte Highway to Villa Mella, will be inaugurated June 30, Public Works Ministry operations chief Ramón Antonio Pepin announced[...]

  • Tax-advantaged investing in the USA

    Opinion March 17, 2015 | 10:31 am

    At the end of the day is not how much money we make that matters. It’s how much of it we get to keep. With the tax deadline around the corner, I hereby encourage individual investors to take adva[...]

  • US Embassy Visa Center serves 40,000+, applicants saves time

    Local March 11, 2015 | 9:43 am

    Santo Domingo. - Since its November 12 launch the US Embassy Visa Service Center (VAC) has served more than 40,000 people, has reduced the flow of applicants at the Embassy Consular Section and has[...]

  • Baby in Basketball Universe

    People March 6, 2015 | 10:42 am

    SD.- Former Miss Universe Amelia Vega tweeted her happiest moment, to which her unforgettable 2003 reign doesn’t even hold a candle .

    It’s about Ean Horford, her first offspring together [...]

  • All fuel prices unchanged

    Economy February 26, 2015 | 2:29 pm

    Santo Domingo. – Fuel prices will remain unchanged for the week from March 1 to 7, when premium gasoline will still cost RD$204.00 and regular will cost RD$181.60 per gallon.

    Premium diesel[...]

  • Sunny skies, mild temperatures Thursday, Friday

    Local February 25, 2015 | 11:48 am

    Santo Domingo.- The National Weather Office (Onamet) forecasts little chance of rain as a high pressure system continues over the country, except for widely scattered showers late Wednesday after[...]

  • Humpback whales’ spectacular return captivates Samaná

    Tourism February 19, 2015 | 8:33 am

    Samaná, Dominican Republic.-The humpback whales’ spectacular arrival to the Banco de la Plata or Navidad wildlife refuge captivates visitors as the animals display the joy of any person when[...]

  • Deadly jailbreak case: ‘Mastermind’ caught, suspect killed

    Local February 6, 2015 | 1:42 pm

    Santo Domingo.- One of the alleged masterminds in the bungled jailbreak at Najayo prison was injured and captured Friday in a clash with police 23 kilometers north of the capital on the Duarte high[...]

  • Peravia bank execs embezzled US$315.0M: Superintendence

    Local February 5, 2015 | 2:37 pm

    Santo Domingo.- The Banks Superintendence on Thursday said executives of the collapsed Peravia bank embezzled RD$1.42 billion (US$315 million), equal to 75.3% of the S & L’s total loans. [...]

  • Release in fake medicines case draws wide rebuke

    Local February 3, 2015 | 12:23 pm

    Santo Domingo.- The release on bond of José del Carmen Cruz, charged with selling bogus pharmaceuticals, drew wide rebuke by people who called the measure an incentive for impunity.


  • Fuel prices fall a 9th straight week, natural gas unchanged

    Economy January 23, 2015 | 11:08 am

    Santo Domingo.- The Industry and Commerce Ministry on Friday announced lower fuel prices for the 9th straight week, while natural gas remains unchanged.

    For the week from January 24 to 30 pre[...]

  • RD$179.0M in ‘irregularities’ at La Vega: Audit

    Local January 22, 2015 | 9:03 am

    Santo Domingo.- An Accounts Chamber (CCRD) audit of La Vega’s City Council from 2010 to 2012 revealed budget irregularities of RD$179.0 million, for which it sent the report to the Justice Minist[...]