Gold mine ‘environment risk’ toxic waste dam ready to drain
Santo Domingo.-Energy and Mines minister Antonio Isa onMonday said all need studies have been doneto start draining the Mejita toxic waste dam near Cotui (central), calling it "amajor step” to eliminate the environmental risk.
He said theproject start is at the level of details, but affirmed that he already has thenecessary resources.
The dam holdsthe toxic sediments since the Rosario Dominicana mining company, now operatedby Barrick Pueblo Viejo.
He said theministries of Energy and Mines and the Environment, the canals and dams agency (INDRHI)and Barrick Pueblo Viejo collaborated in the technical study.
Isa said presidentDanilo Medina administration has implemented mechanisms to monitor miningactivities after the concession agreement with Barrick Pueblo Viejo was renegotiatedto increase revenue.
"Thecountry has made progress, there is permanent work by Internal Taxes, Customs,the Ministry itself, because we have a mining supervision protocol," theofficial said, interviewed on Matinal channel 5.