All fuel prices unchanged May 7 to 13

Santo Domingo.- The Industry and Commerce Ministry onFriday posted unchanged prices on all fuels for the week from May 7 to 13, whenpremium gasoline will still cost RD$192.00, and regular will cost RD$172.70 pergallon.
Optimum diesel will cost RD$146.30, regular diesel willcost RD$131.00, avtur will cost RD$90.80, and kerosene will cost RD $113.90,while fuel oil will cost RD $68.83 per gallon.
Propane gas will still cost RD$88.60 per gallon, whilenatural gas also remains unchanged, at RD$23.22 per cubic meter.
The Central Bank posted average exchange rate of RD$45.89per dollar was used to calculate all fuel prices.