Local September 23, 2014 | 3:52 pm

Ex Vatican envoy in Dominican Republic arrested on sexual abuse

Vatican City.- Former Vatican envoy Jozef Wesolowski, charged with sexually abusing boys in the Dominican Republic, has been placed under house arrest on Pope Francis’ instructions, for the "so serious and delicate" case to be addressed without delay.

Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi made the announcement in a statement Tuesday, which stressed that the measure comes after the defendant was notified of the list of offences of which he’s accused of in the criminal proceeding for the alleged "serious acts of abuse to minors in the Dominican Republic."

Wesolowski, 66, is accused of abusing minors during his stay in the Dominican Republic, where he was the Vatican envoy.

Another similar case is that of the also Polish-born Catholic priest Wojciech Gil (Padre Alberto), who’s under house arrest in his country on charges of abusing minors in his country, and in the Dominican Republic highland town of Juncalito.

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