Local February 5, 2015 | 10:37 am

Big business condemns death threats to journalists

Santo Doming.- The National Business Council (CONEP) on Thursday condemned the death threats to journalists Huchi Lora, Amelia Deschamps, Roberto Cavada and Juan Bolivar Diaz, for their advocacy on behalf of Haitians in Dominican Republic.

"The business sector calls alert the authorities and the political class to implement actions that promote harmony, unity, tolerance and fraternity” in society, and discard “attitudes."

In a statement the CONEP said the journalists exercise their right to free expression legitimately and “disseminate their ideas about national issues, which in the context of a democratic society is unacceptable.”

“Freedom of expression is enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic, and therefore is guaranteed in the legal system," the CONEP said, and calls for peaceful coexistence and based on democratic values. “We reaffirm our commitment to continue promoting dialogue, consultation and social cohesion as effective means to promote development and progress of the Dominican Republic."

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