Local June 12, 2018 | 5:42 pm

Dominican Rep. joins alliance against children exploitation

Plan DR programs manager Silvio Minier, attorney general Jean Rodríguez, foreign minister Miguel Vargas, UK ambassador Chris Campbell, Unicef representative Rosa Elcarte.

Santo Domingo.- As proof of its commitment to protect children from all forms of abuse, violence and exploitation, the Dominican Republic joined the WePROTECT Global Alliance, an initiative aimed at national and global action against the sexual exploitation of minors, through the Web.

The Foreign, Education and Justice ministries made the announcement together with the Dominican Telecom Institute, the National Children and Adolescents Council, the British Embassy, Plan International and UNICEF.

Foreign minister Miguel Vargas, who stressed that poverty is one of the factors that generate violence against children, suggested an integral investment to reduce social inequality and to adopt public education policies.

“The positive effects of education and life skills in the reduction of violence against children, and in the eradication of child labor, early forced marriage, child pornography, among others, are evidenced and endorsed by important and diverse studies of international organizations such as UNICEF, WHO, UNESCO, among others,” Vargas said.

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