Local November 5, 2021 | 12:28 pm

Calm at Dominican-Haiti border, but protests nearby

Nacionales haitianos cargan pacas de ropa atravesando el río masacre, para comercializarla durante un día de mercado en la frontera dominico haitiana entre Dajabón y la ciudad haitiana de Ouanaminthe (Juana Méndez). Dajabón, Republica Dominicana 03/03/2009 Foto : © Roberto Guzman

Santiago.- Calm prevailed yesterday on the Dominican border, while the military surveillance continues to be reinforced, in the face of the disturbances that are registered in Haiti due to the shortage of fuel, food, medicine, increase in kidnappings and insecurity.

Dozens of Haitians gathered on the banks of the Masacre River and at its border gate trying to enter the country to stock up on fuel, food, medicine and other goods, but the soldiers only allow entry to those who have documents.

In towns in the North and Northeast of Haiti, protests and road and street blockades continued yesterday.

Haitians told journalists that the situation in their country is depressing and serious, due to insecurity, kidnappings, lack of fuel and other calamities that affect them.

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Fernando Arturo Guzman Richardson
November 6, 2021 6:31 am

Thjose haitians gangs must be eliminated

Dr finest
November 6, 2021 1:02 pm
