Local November 6, 2013 | 12:09 pm

UNEP Emissions Gap Report shows what the Arctic 30 stood up for – Greenpeace

Amsterdam.- In response to the United Nations Environment Program’s (UNEP’s) Emissions Gap Report (1), released one week ahead of the UN climate talks in Warsaw, Kaisa Kosonen, Climate Policy Adviser at Greenpeace International, said:

“Preventing catastrophic levels of warming is still possible, and solutions are more available than ever before, but most governments still fail to give them a real fighting chance. As true fossil fuel addicts, they are refusing to face the fact that most proven fossil reserves must – and can – be left in the ground."

"Citizens around the world are increasingly challenging the fossil fuel industry, but most governments are not. While the Arctic 30 are still jailed, the polluters are free. As long as political leaders keep protecting the narrow interests of fossil fuel industries, instead of protecting their citizens from catastrophic warming, we will continue to see small, inadequate steps at the UN. We will not tolerate this. The transition to a clean energy future has already started and the growing movement of change, sweeping already from China to the US and from Thailand to the Arctic, won’t stop until we’re done."

"There’s a better future than the one we’re currently facing and it’s ours if we want it."

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