Local March 7, 2013 | 10:41 am

Senate wants to know why major dam project fails to start

Santo Domingo.-The Senate will hold hearings to question several government officials on their alleged neglect and inertia in starting the construction of the hydroelectric dam at Monte Grande (southwest), designed to irrigate thousands of hectares of farm and pasture lands and produce energy.

Ruling PLD party senator Eddy Mateo, among other lawmakers, signed the resolution and said despite that then president Leonel Fernandez broke ground to build the ambitious project July, 2010, the impoverished region is still waiting the thousands of jobs it would create.

He said the dam is the most wished for development infrastructure by the inhabitants of Enriquillo Barahona, Bahoruco, Pedernales, Independencia provinces.

The Committee on Energy resolution aims question the executives of the dam’s contractor Andrade Gutierrez, and the ministers of Finance, Economy, Public Works, and of the Environment.

The senators will also question the directors of the dams and canals agency INDRHI and other officials from institutions involved the project.

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