National Police apprehend man for defamation in social networks
Agents of the National Police apprehended in the Sávica sector of the province of Barahona one of two men accused of defaming a citizen in different media and social networks, whom they branded as a forger and criminal associated with judges, prosecutors, and notaries public.
This is Wander Valdez Ruiz, 43, arrested under arrest warrant No.589-01-2023-AJ02713.
According to the preliminary report, Valdez Ruiz, in the company of Angel Martinez (fugitive), would have defamed a citizen on the social networks YouTube, Tiktok, WhatsApp, and Twitter, among other platforms, in addition to providing his data to investigative journalists and threatening him.
The complainant adds that all this is motivated by a judicial process in which he acted as a lawyer against Valdez Ruiz.
The detainee was placed under the control of the Public Prosecutor’s Office for the corresponding legal purposes.