Local October 12, 2023 | 8:06 am

22 Dominican athletes are arrested at the US Embassy for presenting false documents

Santo Domingo.- Twenty-two individuals claiming to be judo athletes were apprehended for allegedly presenting altered documentation during a visa application at the United States Embassy in the Dominican Republic. The arrest took place at the embassy’s facilities after embassy personnel detected discrepancies in the visa applications.

The suspects had purportedly altered documents from a sports federation and used them to request visas. However, embassy officials identified the alterations and subsequently referred the case to the Department of Forgery.

It remains unclear whether the individuals involved were victims of deception or were actively engaged in the scheme. The investigation will determine their level of complicity.

The U.S. Embassy in Santo Domingo has previously warned of severe consequences for submitting falsified or altered documents during visa applications. These consequences may include arrest by Dominican authorities, criminal charges, and permanent ineligibility for a U.S. visa.

The embassy has taken measures to combat document forgery and regularly reviews visa applications for authenticity. Falsified documents, especially in non-immigrant or tourist visa applications, are a recurring issue, as acknowledged by the U.S. consul general in the Dominican Republic.

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Paul Tierney
October 12, 2023 10:07 am

IMHO, Bet, one of “athletes” sought out a forger or forgers with the help of a buscón. A forger or forgers were found. A scheme was devised to use the cover of athletics as a front to apply for visas for the whole group.

I would not be surprised there are forgers or buscóns lying in wait near the embassy to snare fools.

Forging is big business in the RD.

October 12, 2023 10:50 pm

Buscons are all over the place trying to Jack you!

Paul Tierney
October 13, 2023 11:06 am
Reply to  Angelo

Agree ! They are gofers for all sorts of needs.