Local October 18, 2023 | 4:21 pm

Dominicans press for Haitian woman not to be put on an Immigration Control truck

Santo Domingo.- After a prolonged struggle lasting several minutes, agents from the General Directorate of Immigration (DGM) released a Haitian national who resisted boarding the Migratory Control bus in Sabana Perdida, Santo Domingo Norte.

According to the immigration agents, the woman did not possess the necessary documentation, and that’s why they intended to transport her in the vehicle. However, she resisted by holding onto the bus’s bars, leading to their decision to release her.

One of the agents explained to journalists that the decision was made due to the pressure from Dominican citizens who urged her release and to prevent any mistreatment of the woman. The woman claimed to have two children, whom she was planning to pick up from the Otilia Peláez educational center in the same area.

The agent, who chose to remain anonymous, clarified that this action was taken following the instructions of their superiors. He added that this action is only permitted when individuals in irregular immigration situations have not yet entered the vehicle. Otherwise, they would be transferred to one of the immigration facilities for processing and subsequent repatriation to their home country, in this case, Haiti.

The incident took place around 10:30 in the morning near the fourth station of the Santo Domingo Cable Car on Charles de Gaulle Avenue, where a crowd of onlookers gathered to observe the unfolding events. Immigration controls have been ongoing in the Sabana Perdida-Villa Mella area, with at least 20 Haitian nationals under their supervision due to their irregular presence on Dominican soil.

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joaquin lukoki
October 18, 2023 5:01 pm

Wow… Dominican defending an illegal haitian woman… Well, that border closure has some good it seems

October 18, 2023 5:29 pm
Reply to  joaquin lukoki

It amaze me how Haitians say Dominican are racist but would do anything not to go back to their country.

Jo josh
October 18, 2023 6:15 pm
Reply to  James

How many Haitian do you know…? Or you are just requesting what the anti Haitian mob keep screaming….? That reminds me of what western countries far right do to their immigrants population, they will say exactly what you say, saying that immigrants are said they do not like them…. Dude this is getting old

October 18, 2023 7:01 pm
Reply to  Jo josh

I know a lot of Haitians that are not going back to Haiti and don’t want to go back . And the Dominican people treat Haitians Better than their own government and people. Keep thinking that Dominicans owe something to Haiti. Haitians will never succeed with that type of mentality.

Jo josh
October 18, 2023 7:40 pm
Reply to  James

Where did I say that the DR owe something to Haiti ..? Find better argument please. And if you really knew many haïtians you would have known that they do not hate Dominican. They just defend respect from the authorities

Last edited 11 months ago by Jo josh
October 18, 2023 8:04 pm
Reply to  Jo josh

I’m not here with the back and forth. I explain my argument. The Dominican Republic is always going to be seen as racist and xenophobic. The truth is the Dominican people and government has help the Haitian people more than its own people or the world.

Dave Lopes
October 19, 2023 1:02 am
Reply to  James

The article said she had to pick up her two children hence her refusal. They can always deport her after she retrieve her children..